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The Objetos DAC store is an space created eight years ago by architect Israel Almarza Arocha as a gallery for showing and selling the work of remarkable Venezuelans’ artisans, and in parallel as a study for interior design for different clients.   

On our website we offer only artisans works made from wood, and in our store we have a wider variety of pieces from recognized artisans who work with different materials as pottery and clay.  

By continuously presenting the work of our wood artisans, we have had the opportunity of attending international fairs as the New York Now, we also account with the advisement and support of  ByHandConsulting.

We are open to deal with retailers that want to distribute our products. Our store is located at:  

C.C. Paseo Las Mercedes
PB, Nivel La Cuadra, Local N° 13. 
Urb. Las Mercedes, Baruta.
1060 Caracas - Venezuela

Work time: 13:00 a 18:00
Phone: +58 412 22113 86